Through our lives
Some of us are working less
Some of us are working more
All of us are feeling
Strange, undefinable sensations
Of loss:
Of our routines
Of gathering with familiar faces
Of seeing smiles in public
And touching, hugs.
Worst, for some, loved ones now gone.
We stumble forward
In this directionless direction
Slowly coming to grips
With the unthought of potential
Of yet another unwanted new normal.
We crave the old familiar,
The unchanging
Or at least, slower change.
We hate this uncertainty
So defiant against the unknown
At times we embrace denial.
We ache for definitive answers
Amid these unexpected new winds,
And this queer lumbering wave
Of anxiety storms,
So many with so many questions
The song sparrow tweets on my porch
Brazenly ignoring our concerns
Winds bring a storm that drops cool rains
Life is replenished in my yard
The delicate pear blossoms now lost
Defying worry, have sprouted fruit.